Friday, 13 March 2020

The Coronavirus (COVID-19)

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis continues and panic buying in the shop also carries on. No toilet rolls (why? the problem is at the other end), no hand sanitiser unless you get up at 6am and go to Morrisons. Where are the brains of these people who seem to find stacking their trollies with items that are not going to run out is the only way to survive. I’d love to ask them the question why. I’m sure they are avid readers of the press and TV news – in particular BBC news. As usual the BBC continues to sensationalise the issues this disease raises. Question Time (12th March 2020) had a panel of people which included representatives of the government and Professor John Ashton. Who is this idiot? Another Andrew Wakefield? You remember the man who rubbished the MMR vaccine and resulted in the rise of the incidence of Measles in this and other countries because of the individuals who listened and believed him. We are still suffering the consequences. After much sensible explanation by the government and medical spokespeople Ashton proceeded to try to should louder than the rest preventing them from completing their explanations. His view, that everything the government had set in motion – don’t shut schools yet, don’t stop sport and other big gathering was wrong. The worrying thing was that some of the audience were applauding him. The country has a large number of people who lack the intelligence to make reasoned judgments and to listen to the arguments for actions taken to protect them. They don’t need much to get them to go along with conspiracy theories or quacks who just like to make the most noise and out shout anyone else. Piers Morgan is one of these when he interviews. As far as Fiona Bruce is concerned she is a waste of space when it comes to trying to chair a discussion. Ashton got the better of her every time. The BBC allows these nut cases to have airtime. Who decides who gets airtime? I certainly don’t have a say so what makes them so capable to choose. The BBC forgets that people need a united front and the government are an elected body that we have to take notice of them. We voted them in and we can vote them out. For me the way the government has made the decisions they have is the best – using scientific experts in many fields to come up a workable plan that aims to reduce panic amongst some people. Politicians cannot make these judgements without their help. Ashton thinks otherwise. Thank goodness the majority of the British population can see this. Unfortunately they don’t always shout the loudest. I’m always wary of people who shout to get themselves heard – usually they are not worth listening so – take heed Ashton

The government’s plan makes sense – I don’t care what the other countries are doing. Europe is in a right mess because of Schengen. No boarders so the disease progresses unhinded. Boarders create “natural” barriers where checks can be made. Not possible with the EU arrangement. Thank goodness we are no longer part of that and the English Channel acts as a natural barrier.

The BBC News and the tabloids need to think about their role – give me the Facts not the speculation. As I’ve said before journalists have lost their way. People are easily panicked as proved by the empty shelves. This happened because of announcements made by the BBC about imports not being able to get in. Wrong!

15th March 2020

Woke up with the Sunday Papers further creating panic with speculation. Trying to rubbish the governments plans. Scientists arguing over the best way forward. At times like these we need solidarity and support for one approach and for me thats the government approach. There's always more than one way to do things but varied adivce creates confususion for the public and chaos generally. I'm sure there are people out there trying to make a name for themselves during the sitation we face but I dont want to hear all the carious theories about mutations and alterantive treatments. Just stick to the facts and make it clear there is only one way forward and that involves us follwing the plans already laid out

16th March 2020

The plans are clear.  The government is relying on scientific advice and realises that the science experts will be listened to more than politicians yet some, no let me say most, of the media continues to try and undermine the plans.  The Times this morning talks about why we are doing things differently from other countries?  The reason is that one size does not fit all as in the case of all global situations.  Look at Europe - this is supposed to be a community that thinks as one.  Don’t make me laugh.  Each country has different priorities and I'm not so sure the EU goal of one nation will ever come to pass.  When it comes to crisis situations Britain has a pretty good record of coping even though the other countries don’t want to believe it.  Our weakness is the News media who constantly try to undermine what the elected officials try to implement.  Will somebody please shut them up?

17th March 2020
Held meeting in village with socila Prescribers and church ministers to discuss issues of coordination .  We await Hinckley and Bosworth council to decide the way forward.  Our telephone  befreinders continue to do excellent work.  Thank goodness we had this in place 18mths ago.  Who would have guessed.  Now to tackle the idiotic panic buyers - toilet rolls and had sanitiser and pasta.  The mind boggles.  Reading the coonmets from readers of the Times newspaper the paer is gettinga drubbing about its coverage and confimring that people do not like the way the press is focussing its reporting.  Support and fact reporting is their role and nothign else at this moment.
On another matter why does the One Show invite some idotic guests such as Matt Allwrite, Kerry Godliman and Russel Kane all of them along with the Presenter, who is usually very good like to argue against the government advice.  The sort of people who like him are also influendced.  Why should their opinions be given air time.  Their opinion is no better than anyone else except they are out of step and dont seem to keep up with the news or the scientific facts in particular.   Give me people whose opinions I value

18th March 2020
First real day of shutdown.  Sainsburys shelevs empty yet again.  They are opening tomorrow between 6am and 9am for over 70's and those at risk.  For once sorry my age does not allow me to go.  Could I pull off being a 70 year old?  Don't answer that.  Must try and remember the name of the one BBC reprter who is reporting sensibly and contradicting people like Fiona Bruce for their negative remarks and unhelpful reporting which just unsettles people all in the "public interest" as they say. C***!

20th March 2020
Vicki Young - Political reporter on BBC is the name I was trying to remember as someone who needs to replace Kunessberg and Smith.  Much more accurate reporting with no intonation that suggests disapproval.  Facts reported and done so in a clear and accurate way.  Take note BBC we are not all anti BBC just anti some journalist who have lost their way.
Today panic buying still a problem - schools close today indefinitely.  The one positive thing is that Dial A Ride – charity based transport have started to deliver prescriptions and collect shopping – pity there’s nothing in the shops. 
At least the weather is dry although a little chilly but hopefully warming up soon to “kill” this bug off.

24th March 2020
First full day of Lock down after an emergency announcement from Boris Johnson. (Wrote to him the other day and told him I thought he was doing a good job - everyone needs encouragement).  Nobody allowed to leave theri homes unless
They are buying food
They have to visit the GP
Not to meet in groups larger than 2 outside unless they are family members
In addition all non essential shop are to close (clothes and electronics)
It’s certainly not good for your health to watch the news media.  When will they learn, oh forgot they never need to learn they are all seeing and knowing, that constantly broadcasting bad news does nothing for anyone.  Their reasoning is that the people need to be informed.  Well Stephen Fry doesn’t feel that…/coronavirus-stephen-fry-s-take-on-m…
 and nor do I.  Anxiety levels rocket in times like this all due to the news media.  Excellent advice given in this clip.
So how has it been> Well, not bad so far as lots to do to arrange phone calls for lonely people in our area through our Befriending scheme volunteers.
Those idiots who refuse to stay at home need to benamed and shamed in the media . Packe Tubes in London.  This is a good indicator of the intelligence of many in the population.  How on eatrth can they say the message is not clear.  Even the media report on this . As usual never concentrate on the public who buy their papers etc. Try telling members of the public a few home truths.
At least Italy has a fall in deaths today for the second day.
Let's see what tomorrow brings.

26th March 2020
Not exactly tomorrow as I mentioned in the last post.  Lock down is having a an effect.  Only one of us allowed out of the house to walk the dog.  Also heard today that the Co-op were offering bread that they had over for those who cant get out.  So as part of the Befriending scheme I run I have linked up with the local Food Bank and we have collected the bread ready to distribute.  While waiting in the Co-op a woman had an argument with the shop assistants when they asked her to move away from the customer in front.  She refused and proceeded to tell the shop assistants that "she would stand where she wanted to". Upon arrival at the counter the sales assistants refused to serve her.  Well done!

28th March 2020
Yesterday saw us delivering bread from the Coop donation - that was really interesting as we went round to people identified by LAC's (Local area Coordinators) and Social Prescribers. Very grateful then I was asked to go and collect a prescription from the WELL Pharmacy in High street.  The line was all the way down the High Street - taking into account the 2 metre gap between everyone. An hour and a half later I made it to the door after some very entertaining conversations.  4 people in and then one in one out. By the time I got in I had 2 other phone calls for prescriptions - for once the WELL pharmacy had really got their act together and asked me to call back after closing to pick them up.  They were true to their word and I collected all three although one was £45 so had to get Lindsey from Dial a Ride to come with her card to pay.  Eventually, after trying to work out whose prescription had to be paid, for we got sorted.  By the end of the day we had allocated another 4 Befriendees to our Befriender recruits.  There really needs to be more checks and balances about things like Next Door where anyone can offer assistance without checking who.

30th March 2020
Start of week 2 isolation.  Week one not bad really. Still sorting our Befriender and Befriendees.  One with no toilet and no heating -sorted in less than 24 hrs and then another that said she had no food but by Monday we knew she had and the Social Prescriber Lucy was on the case.  Not bad fora set of amateurs like us.  Today interviewed a prospective Befriender on Skype. The government have lifted the restrictions on DBS by allowing electronic examination of the documents you need so hopefully we can use one of the befrienders daughters as a temporary Befriender during the Covid 19 crisis.
The Press Conferences are really useful even if the press's questions are useless.  Laura Kuenssberg seems to think she can ask useless questions that we either already know the answer to or have no chance of an answer "How long is the crisis going to last" I mean they love to get an answer they would like to report as "they haven’t a clue" The experts are doing a great job - experts 1 Journalists 0

1st April 2020
Well its Zumba classes with Zoom today .  Got it working with not much of a problem but still working with other friends to get theirs working.  Modern technology is a God send.  As for the media well that’s another matter.  They are obsessed with the testing issue of people.  They get told the answers but just keep asking the same questions.  They just love to beat people up - Kuenssberg is as usual the worst. "When are you going to admit you got it wrong? She asks of the government  spokesperson. Who defines that they have got it wrong? Well of course the Kuenessberg does, who else.  We want FACTS which we get from the experts.  They have to make decisions and they will make good and bad ones but at least they are making them.  There is always more than one way to skin cat (no we haven’t got to that horrible stage yet thankfully) and each country is doing it their way.  I'm perfectly happy with the way we are doing it and the time to ask those questions are when it’s all over which I'm sure the Media will have a field day doing.